Apr 18, 2013

April 2013

I haven't written any new posts because I've been waiting for a positive update. I wanted to sit down and write an inspiring story of how I found the perfect treatment, that I'm starting to feel better and am returning to normalcy. Unfortunately, that is not the case and doesn't seem like it will be any time soon. I have been dealing with debilitating pain and constant symptom flare ups. I am having more bad days than good, which has been very disheartening. I've been sick for two years, and diagnosed for one. I am not seeing any improvements with the medications I have taken, both homeopathic and oral antibiotics. Over the course of these years I have seen roughly about 15 doctors. It scares me that no one can find a protocol that works for me. It's not easy to admit when you're afraid to live in your own body. This disease is real, it invades every single body system, every organ, every tissue. It has severely knocked down my immune system, causing other complications I never had prior to contracting Lyme.  We live in a world with such great technological and medical advancements. Yet people are suffering every day because Lyme is difficult to treat and so few doctors have the knowledge to do so. I'm living on blind hope and optimism because those two things alone aid in the power of healing just as much as medication, if not more. I have days when I ask myself why me, I feel like giving up and  holding on any longer seems impossible. Those are the moments that give me the strength to keep fighting because anything less than living life is not an option for me. I keep telling myself this was meant to happen now. There is sense to suffering, and reason for pain. There's an underlying point to all of this. I just need to see it through to find the purpose.

I wrote this for those of you who have been asking me how I'm feeling and I just say "I'm okay" because there really is too much to explain. I do not mean to shut anyone out, but the details are not easy to understand. I am unsure of what the next step is and I don't know where I'm going, but it needs to be up from here. I'm hopeful that the next time I write it will be more uplifting.


1 comment:

  1. That was raw and very inspiring. Being at a common ground as you and at this 5yrs later I completely relate to all that you are saying and experiencing 10 fold. It's frustrating and yes daunting at times. It's a complex illness as we all know and takes a long time to figure out because your not just dealing with lyme, but it's co-infections and other auto-immune illnesses such as molds, heavy metals, parasites, candida and so forth. It's so convoluted and over the mainstream medical communities head. It takes a long time because we have to figure out the missing links and underlying reasons. Inability to effectively detox, complex biofilms, things we haven't discovered or treated for, gene mutations, cellular damage do to toxicity and deficiencies etc. Changing your lifestyle is crucial. Diet to reduce inflammation and gut issues which we all have. Sleeping proper hrs to raise cortisol levels when it's so hard to fall asleep. I know because it's hard to stay on track myself. But being at this for yrs I have seen people emerge from the fray when they least expect it and that is the hope you need to keep holding on to. Better days are ahead just never let that fire inside you sizzle out. Thanks for sharing your plight. It's admiring and brave of you xx!
