May 29, 2012

You have a Chronic Illness, What's that?

Most people have endless possibilities, and energy to do whatever they desire. Most don't need to deal with the debilitating effects of every day actions. Then there are some of us that do. People with Chronic Illnesses do. A lot of the time, we have to choose staying home over going out. As everyone knows, it sucks to feel left out, right? I have a few (out of many other) symptoms that others may relate to. 

I have extreme fatigue. Most days I am very exhausted from Insomnia, which isn't very uncommon. Therefore, sleep is never refreshing. I don't have the energy to go out two days in a row sometimes, but when I do I know that I'll be in bed recovering the next day. I'm forgetful. I get intense migraines, making it hard to concentrate, and having to hear things repeatedly. It effects how I answer an unexpected question, and makes it harder to memorize things for school. The emotional aspect of having an illness is sometimes more destructive than the physical part because people can't "see" it or understand. Being home often leaves a lot of down time, and a lot of thinking. A problem I have is seeing everyone going to school, and accomplishing things, while I'm laying in bed day in and day out. It feels like I'm watching a movie.

It's extremely frustrating to go to cardiologists, neurologists, infectious disease doctors, psychiatrists, chronic fatigue specialists, have countless blood tests and still no answer. It's embarrassing. Seemingly, nothing is easy. Telling someone that faces these problems to "Toughen up" or saying "Go exercise, you'll build strength" won't work. If you took the time to realize what we suffer from, then you would know that exercising only worsens the effects on someone who is already grasping for energy. 

I have been told it's all in my head, which definitely was hurtful. I've been told I'm unreliable because sometime I have to cancel plans last minute. Honestly, sufferers wish they were more capable of doing more on a daily basis. We push ourselves, whether spectators see it or not. Stress management is important, but sometimes moods can be erratic. We don't mean to direct frustration towards anyone, especially the people that are just trying to support and be there for us. Everyone needs someone to talk to, or just someone to listen. If someone in your life is going through a tough time, it's vital to understand you can't fix their emotions, and understanding & comforting are sufficient. Don't tell anyone you know how they feel unless you are too dealing with a Chronic condition.

Aside from bad days, I have good days too. I have days when I feel like I'm myself, though the other thoughts are always in the back of my mind. If I'm smiling and functioning, don't doubt my previous statement. The good days are what keep us going! Avoid saying "Oh, you're all of a sudden better? I knew you would get over it soon enough." Believe me, it doesn't help. 


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